rotary sushi conveyor


Rotary Sushi Conveyor System

The representative brand of revolving sushi is always with the Midong ENG conveyor system.


We design, manufacture and construct
a structure suitable for customers' various types of operation methods.

  • Dish Conveyor

    The moving basic conveyor has a lower customer rail than the sushi rail, so you can see the rotating sushi in three dimensions.

    It has a good sense of aesthetics by adopting the chain color according to the interior and stone selection.

  • Cup Conveyor

    It is a function that is mainly selected by high-end businesses as it prevents the smoothness of hot water service and burns in hot water supply in businesses with many customer seats by rotating the com at the bottom of the sushi conveyor.

  • Hot Water Server

    To make it convenient to drink green tea, the temperature is kept constant by boiling 80CC to 90CC of water in the hot water system, and the automatic circulation pumping system allows hot water to be supplied from anywhere in the seat at the same time.

  • Turn System

    This is a device that can only partially rotate sushi plates from the right location to maintain the quality of the food and reduce the loss rate at the opening and closing hours of the store, with a belt conveyor that moves from the front conveyor to the back conveyor installed to rotate partially.

  • Top Conveyor

    Except for the lower conveyor body part, only the rotating rail part of the upper part can be manufactured and installed on the existing or interior facilities of the establishment.

    It is installed in overseas businesses that require convenience of transportation or in businesses that have difficulty bringing in.

  • Stone Table

    If the table is constructed of stone, it can be selected and constructed according to the interior atmosphere, and there are artificial and natural stones.

  • Laser Works

    The moving ENG rotating sushi conveyor is machined and manufactured with state-of-the-art laser equipment, so it is beautiful, quiet, and precise even when designed as a polygon in response to a variety of interior structures.

    The prefabricated structure makes it easy to disassemble and assemble, making it easy to install in any building.

  • After Service

    A thorough after-sales service that meets the customer's call is pride in undecided customer love.

    All equipment has been designed and constructed to minimize A/S when accompanied by functional roles, and the movement is always with the customer.